About the project-2020
Background: there is a significant knowledge gap regarding an accessible self-driving vehicle human-machine interface and related interaction modalities. What are visually impaired users' specific needs in this context? And what are combination of technologies necessary to support those needs?
Goal: An Accessible Autonomous Ridesharing Service
Tasks: mobile application; external human-machine interface (eHMI); internal human-machine interface (iHMI); interior vehicle design; web-based platform.
Gathering needs from (Got IRB approval): literature review, engaging with 3 co-designers, 8 sessions with older adults (45 participants), 8 sessions with BVI (38 Blind–Visually Impaired participants).
Design Process
1. Identified user needs
2. Brainstormed design ideas: affinity diagramming
3. Created personas
4. Developed storyboards and scenarios
5. Summarized design solutions
6. Delivered prototypes

Mobile App


Interior Design of Vehicles


Website prototype

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